关于「 dalio」的内容列表

"There is a major new technology that will undoubtedly change the world and succeed, but some people confuse that with the success of the investment," Mr. Dalio said.

"There is a major new technology that will undoubtedly change the world and succeed, but some people confuse that with the success of the investment," Mr. Dalio said.

2025-01-28 17:42:38
Billionaire investor Ray Dalio has revealed that he has also invested in bitcoin

According to Cointelegraph, billionaire investor Ray Dalio said he also holds a "small amount" of bitcoin.

2025-01-22 17:04:16
亿万富翁投资者 Ray Dalio 透露其也投资了比特币

据 Cointelegraph 报道,亿万富翁投资者 Ray Dalio 表示,他也持有"少量"比特币。

2025-01-22 17:04:16
Ray Dalio, founder of Bridgewater Fund, says he will invest in "hard currencies" such as gold and bitcoin, while avoiding debt assets

In a speech at a financial conference in Abu Dhabi on Tuesday, billionaire investor Ray Dalio, founder of hedge fund Bridgewater, said he would invest in "hard currencies" such as gold and bitcoin while avoiding debt assets as most major economies face rising debt problems. He said: "I think the debt currency problem may be coming, and I want to avoid bonds and debt and other debt...

2024-12-11 04:44:06
桥水基金创始人Ray Dalio:将投资黄金和比特币等“硬通货”,同时避开债务资产

对冲基金桥水基金创始人、亿万富翁投资者Ray Dalio在周二于阿布扎比举行的金融会议上发表演讲时表示,他将投资黄金和比特币等“硬通货”,同时避开债务资产,因为大多数主要经济体都面临不断上升的债务问题。 他说:“我认为,债务货币问题可能即将出现,我希望避开债券和债务等债...

2024-12-11 04:44:06
Bridgewater Fund founder: Neither Trump nor Harris is the president America needs

Ray Dalio, the founder of Bridgewater, said the 2024 U.S. election could be the most important of his life, and that he believes the country needs a "strong leader from the center." In an interview on Thursday, Mr. Dalio explained that the United States should aim for "broad prosperity," and that the presidential election highlighted the challenges of a functioning society. Asked which presidential candidate he would support, Dalio said, "Neither is what the country needs." He said: "...

2024-09-20 08:54:40

桥水基金创始人达利欧(Ray Dalio)表示,2024年的美国大选可能是他一生中最重要的选举,并且他认为国家需要一个“中间派的坚强领导者”。周四,在接受节目采访时,达利欧解释说,美国应当力求实现“广泛繁荣”,而总统选举凸显了社会顺利运作所面临的挑战。 当被问及支持哪位总统候选人时,达利欧说“都不是国家所需要的。”他说:“...

2024-09-20 08:54:40
BounceBit: Product strategy borrows from Merrill Lynch and Ray Dalio

Bitcoin L1 project BounceBit said on the X platform that its product strategy draws on the investment clock of Merrill Lynch Securities and the all-weather theory of well-known investor Ray Dalio, including structured products, fixed income products, lending, insurance and risk integration framework.

2024-06-17 13:32:40
BounceBit:产品策略借鉴了美林证券和Ray Dalio

比特币质押L1项目BounceBit在X平台称,其产品策略借鉴了美林证券的投资时钟和知名投资人Ray Dalio的全天候理论,包括结构性产品、固定收益产品、借贷、保险和风险一体化框架。

2024-06-17 13:32:40